Smile Politely

Explore the photography of place with Jason Reblando at Giertz Gallery tonight

Award-winning photographer Jason Reblando will speak at Parkland College’s Giertz Gallery tonight as a part of Locale, the gallery’s annual “State of the Art” national art invitational.

Locale, curated by Chicago photographer and educator Christopher Schneberger, explores the layers of power and meaning that  location brings to an artist’s work. 

Reblando will be taking the audience through, Lathrop Homes — “an examination of race, space, and nature amidst the unending and uneven development of cities,” taken at the Julia C. Lathrop Homes, built by the Public Works Administration, on the North Side of Chicago.


Giertrz Gallery at Parkland College
2400 West Bradley Avenue
Lecture with Jason Reblando, Tuesday, November 27, 6:15 p.m.

Locale will run through Saturday, February 2, 2019

Top photo of Girl on Rollerskates, courtesy of artist Jason Reblando and Giertz Gallery

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