Smile Politely

Hank’s Honey from Willow Creek Farm is absolutely delicious

Did you know that Willow Creek Farm produces its very own honey on site? Well, they do, and it’s absolutely fantastic. I am eating some right now. You can buy it at Willow Creek Farm or at V. Picasso in Downtown Champaign. 

It is called Hank’s Honey, and it’s named for owner Traci Lipps’ late husband. The beekeeper is named Nathan Beach, who has a wonderful Instagram account; he comes out to her place during the week and takes care of the pollinators and documents the process.

Unsurprisingly, this is also the honey used as an accompaniment on the V. Picasso charcuterie plates, alongside Moody’s jam that is made by a server at the same restaurant. 

Basically, this is everything that makes our food scene in Champaign-Urbana pretty amazing. 

Pictures from Nathan Beach / Traci Lipps

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