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U of I study links higher mass transit use rates with lower risk of obesity

I was perusing Reddit yesterday, as one does, when I noticed a familiar study at the top of r/Science, the main science subreddit on the site. The link, which led to a study about mass transit use, came right here from our own back yard: the University of Illinois.

In the study, Dr. Sheldon Jacobson (a professor in Computer Science at the U of I) states that he has linked higher mass transit use with lower obesity rates, saying:

As local communities seek to allocate public funds to projects that will provide the most benefit to their residents, our research suggests that investing in convenient and affordable public transit systems may improve public health by reducing obesity, thereby providing more value than had been previously thought.

So, in celebration, why not take the bus to work today? CUMTD has a robust system that can get you pretty much anywhere in town.

While you’re riding, you can read the full news release from the U of I, which can be found here.

​Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

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