Smile Politely

Inner Voices presents Endangered Black Girls Tonight at Armory Free Theater

Inner Voices, a University of Illinois social issues theater group, presents the last of three performances of Endangered Black Girls tonight at Armory Free Theater.

The play was written by Ruth Nicole Brown, assistant professor in Gender and Women’s Studies and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Illinois. Brown researches the political socialization of African American girls; her interviews with African American girls form the production’s narrative backbone.

Inner Voices writes that, in part, “The purpose of Endangered Black
is to move toward action.”

Earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
reported that half of black girls in America are leaving their teenage
years with at least one STI (while the same is true for one in four of
all girls). Just one statistic, but also a reminder that now is as
good a time as any to be inspired to advocate for young African
American women.

Inner Voices performs Endangered Black Girls at 5:30 p.m. in room
160 of the University of Illinois Armory, 505 E. Armory Ave.,

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