Smile Politely

Illini live to play another day

Bruce Weber is 36 hours from legendary status and a lifetime contract, possibly transubstantiation..

The Illini broke UNLV’s press, kicked sand in its face and stole its girlfriend. Now all they have to do is beat Bill Self and top seed Kansas Sunday evening (7:40 p.m., TNT teevee or on the interweb) and Bruce Weber can achieve all the pleasures of the flesh. That’s not an especially high mountain to climb, given the Free Pass it would earn Illinois’ currently overpaid/underachieving coach.

Will Jereme Richmond help on Sunday? The rumor is that he punched Brandon Paul in the face on Thursday, drawing blood and a suspension.

The team seemed pretty together Friday. Richmond was supportive and chipper, in a motivational role.

Here’s what the players had to say after the game.


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