Smile Politely

The fun that is the Color Run

The Color Run truly was one of the most fun 5Ks I’ve been to. The weather was beautiful, the runners were excited, and the color packets made for a lot of fun scenes. I saw a lot of families running which makes me happy, too.

Girl power

As runners came into the finish line they gathered at the stage. The DJ through out color packets and organized an all-together throw. 

The classic jump photo.

Mother and daughter

Selfie. (Though, I think that voids the warranty.)

A shot of the throw from the stage.

The Color Run staff having fun.



One more throw for the road.

Like I said, The Color Run was a hell of a good time, and very fun to take pictures of, and it looked like it was really fun to participate in. See more in the gallery below. 

[gallery color_run_gallery]

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