Smile Politely

Weekender: March 2–4


Interval: The Duke of Uke and His Novelty Orchestra, 12:001:00 p.m.

The lobby of the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
This event is free.

Make your way through the hordes of partying students to the Krannert Center and see this fantastic band live. They never disappoint. (TN)

IUB Comedy Series: Sheng Wang, 7:008:30 p.m.

Courtyard Café
This event is free.

Student comedian Nick Martin will open the show. (TN)

For those unfamiliar with Sheng Wang, here you go:


Becky Shaw, 8:00 p.m.

Station Theatre
Tickets: $10 (Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday); $15 (Friday and Saturday)
All shows are at 8:00 p.m.

Gina Gionfriddo’s dark comedy is directed by Kay Bohannon Holley.

Showtimes are:

Friday–Sunday, Mar. 2–4
Wednesday–Sunday, Mar. 7–11
Wednesday–Saturday, Mar. 14–17

Make reservations online. Check out this pretty cool preview. (TN)

Did you know that this play stars the one and only Lindsey Gates-Markel, founding Music Editor of Smile Politely? It’s true! Back when we were in diapers (not that we aren’t still) and wondering about how we might be able to convince anyone to write for us, Lindsey (pictured below) took the helm for the music section and laid the groundwork for what you have today. She left to focus her attention more towards the Station Theater, and at the time, we were all like “yeah right, that girl just wants to party more” but man oh man — did she prove us wrong! I can’t wait to see this play next Wednesday! (SF)

The Barber of Seville at Krannert Center, 7:30 p.m.

I’m sure this will be a great performance, but can it top this one?

Tickets are $26 for the general public, and $17 for students.

Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 3 p.m. on Sunday. (JG)


Best Korean food in town? Check: B-Won on South Neil in Champaign

I’ve been meaning to do a new review of B-Won, as it’s been about three years since our own Paul Young wrote his review. But for the moment, you should take the time to head south on Neil and stop in on Friday night for what I believe to be one of the most affordable and consumately satisfactory meals that you can find dining out in Champaign-Urbana. Ask waiter Young-Moon (sp?) about what to get on the expansive menu, and he’ll direct you in the right place. And if you aren’t adventurous, you can always elect to order Bul-go-ki, which is a basic and classic Korean dish that is essentially thinly sliced pieces of pork, beef, or chicken spiced just right, sauteed and served piping hot with a side of rice. Best part? Korean meals come with endless and copious amounts of traditional cold salads to start the meal. Most of them are a play on kim-chi, which is fermented cabbages, but every now and again, they throw a curve ball and set out something wacky like marinated fish cakes, or my favorite — bean sprouts in oil and vinegar. Heaven. Just heaven. (SF)


Ramiro Rodríguez Exhibit Opens, 6:009:00 p.m.

University YMCA, Murphy Gallery
This exhibit is free.

Opening: 6:00–9:00 p.m.
Artist talk: 7:00 p.m.
Musical performance (Los Condenados Huastecos): 7:30 p.m.

Caritas: The Immigrant, the Word, and Life is an exhibit featuring the works of Ramiro Rodríguez that will be shown through Apr. 6, 2012, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on weekdays. (TN)


Vaudevileins, Scurvine, and Deathtram, 9:00 p.m.12:00 a.m.

Mike ‘N’ Molly’s

Doors: 9:30 p.m.
Cover: $5

  • Scurvine: 10:45 p.m.
  • Vaudevileins: 11:30 p.m.
  • Deathtram: 12:30 p.m.
  • DJ Mark Wyman: 1:00 a.m.

The only band in this lineup that I’ve seen live is Deathtram and they are great. Just a fantastic rock band. Highly recommended. (TN)

Here are the Vaudevileins performing “Lord Baltimore” at Mike ‘N’ Molly’s:


Champaign Greek Film Festival at the Art Theater, Fri.Sat.

The first Champaign Greek Film Festival comes to the Art thanks to a collaboration between Modern Greek Studies and the FilmHellenes. For a full schedule and film descriptions, visit the Modern Greek Studies page. (JS)



& last but not least…

Unofficial, whenever the beer arrives until whenever

Unofficial, the UI unofficial St. Patrick’s Day celebration. The day that UI tries to get into the party school annals. Also, a proper noun meaning bar rush, all day long. The festivities start sometime on Thursday and last until the participants pass out on the roof of their Green St. apartment. Somewhat of a boon for the local CampusTown economy (especially all the fast food places on Green), the cities of Champaign & Urbana have taken to enacting special rules governing the sale, distribution and possession of alcohol on this day, the made-up holiday of all made-up holidays. 

For more definitions, please see: UI wiki page on Unofficial, and the Urban Dictionary entry on Unofficial. (JC)


WorldFest, 2012, 12:304:00 p.m.

Spurlock Museum

Hands-on activities for all ages, plus:

Choral Music: Amasong
Indian Classical Dance: Margam, a Glimpse featuring Subha
Shamisen: Yoko Tamaki
South Indian Classical Music: Vinod Natarajan, Barath Ezhilan, and Nanjundamurthy Venkatasubbu
Storytelling: Janice del Negro



Read Across America, 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Lincoln Square Mall

Over 30 literacy and reading-based activities for all kids of all ages

To help celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday, C-U will be celebrating on Saturday the 3rd with events at Lincoln Square Mall. Special surprise guests will appear! Nylon bookbags will be distributed to the first 1,000 children who attend! (JC)

I spend 75% of my current free time reading to my daughter. So what I want to know is will someone be reading to her at this event? Or am I just going to have to buy more books to read to her? Please God, don’t make me read her The Cat in the Hat again. That book is terrible, all the characters are one dimensional and unsympathetic. I can’t be the only one who hates everyone in that book — the Cat, Thing 1 and 2, that annoying fish. Why won’t the fish just shut up?!!

Ironcially, almost all of the promotional material for this event seems to be advertising The Lorax movie, which I’m sure is going to be terrible. Which is too bad because The Lorax is a book I can actually get behind. Shit is dark. (JStein)

The Lorax is a fantastic book, and they’ve fucking ruined it with this movie. It’s a goddamn shame. (TN)


Renewing Your Driver’s License at the DMV, 7:30 a.m.–noon

Oh my gosh, this is going to be amazing! I can’t wait! On a brighter note, this is evidence that I’ve lived in the same place long enough that I had a driver’s license expire, which hasn’t happened before. And you don’t care, so move along, nothing to see here. (JG)



The Affordable Artshow 2, 5:008:00 p.m.

Traction Station, across the street from Seven Saints

This event runs:

  • Saturday, Mar. 3, 5:00–8:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, Mar. 4, 4:00–7:00 p.m.

It will include local artists, live music, and drinks. It’s “affordable,” so everything is $200 or less. Cash or check only. (TN)





Truth and Beauty, 2:00 p.m.

Urbana Free Library (Lewis Auditorium)

Guest Poet Lamont B. Steptoe reads from his work.

Lamont B. Steptoe is a poet, activist, Vietnam Veteran, photographer and founder/publisher of Whirlwind Press. He is the author of ten books of poetry and is the editor of two collections of poems by South African poet, Dennis Brutus. (TN)


The Life and Times, Withershins, Alpha Mile, 8:30–11:30 p.m.

The Highdive – $8 at the door

If our cover story hasn’t convinced you to go to The Life and Times show on Sunday, consider this the endorsment that potentially breaks the camels’ back — or something like that. Plenty of post-rock to go around for this bill as The Life and Times pay a visit to C-U following the recent release of their solid new LP No One Loves You Like I Do. (PS)

                 Listen: The Life and Times: “Day One”


Yonder Mountain String Band, 9 p.m. 

Canopy Club ($20 advance/$25 at the door)

Yonder Mountain String Band is revisiting their residency at Canopy Club, and if you haven’t seen them at this point, Sunday wouldn’t be a bad time to do it. They are taking the stage alone and plan to stay up there for some time, as jam bands’ sets tend to get extended a bit. If you’re in for a lazy Sunday, this show is probably your best bet. Who needs a drummer anyways? Not these dudes. (PS)

Listen: Yonder Mountain String Band: 40 Miles From Denver

Sunday Supper at Seaboat: Always a good choice to wreck your diet / make you smile: 403 W. Kirby in Champaign

Hard to say who fries up the best bird in Champaign-Urbana really, but if pressed, I always look to Seaboat on Kirby Ave, situated next to Vinny’s Pizza and Custard Cup. The aroma is almost intoxicating — iffin you are taken with the smell of grease and frying flesh. I know that I am. Otherwise, you can always just go for the classic: a Seaboat sandwich which is nothing more than deep fried whiting fillets on a soft whole wheat roll, topped with lettuce, tomato, and onions, and slathered in a house made tartar sauce. Expect to wait though — all of Seaboat’s orders are cooked to order. So, call ahead if you are impatient, or just ask for a side of their collard greens with smoked turkey; that should make the wait worth your while, and your workout that much more difficult the next day. (SF)

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