FRIDAY, October 2nd
The FEMME FIGURE art show, Indigo Art Gallery, 7-9 p.m., free
Fine art that celebrates women. Local artists. Wine and snacks. Free. What more could you want? This show is sponsored by Thats What She Said and Lady Fest. This is totally worthy of you stopping by for a before or after dinner activity. (SL)
Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Doom, Parkland College Theatre, 7:30-9:30 p.m., $15.
Focusing on a virtual reality horror game, this play is perhaps one of the mostcontemporarily relevant accross the country right now.Directed by Kyle Thomas, this will be held on the theatre’s Second Stage, so patrons are to be warned that it could sell out and it could do so quickly.
From an outsider’s perspective, it’s so encouraging that Parkland would take a chance on such a modern take on theatre, and proves that the genre is far from stagnating, even in a small midwestern city like Champaign-Urbana. (BH)
SATURDAY, October 3rd
Vintage Vinyl Sale, 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Fluid Events Center, 601 N. Country Fair Dr., Champaign, $5 entry between 8 – 11 a.m., free entry afterward
The Fluid Events Center is hosting a massive market for used LPs, cassettes, CDs, and working audio equipment. All proceeds from the sale will benefit Illinois Radio Reader, a service of Illinois Public Media, which provides the reading of local newspapers, magazines, books, and much more to the visually impaired in East Central Illinois.
Scavenger Hunt, Lake of the Woods, Mabery Gelvin Botanical Garden, $3 registration required
Head out to Mahoment Saturday morning and enjoy the changing scenary, learn about the environment, and get some exercise. This fall scavenger hunt you’ll learn about simple and compound leaves, identify various trees and take a walk around the Mabery Gelvin Botanical Garden. Call or email to register (217) 586-2612 or [email protected]. (SL)
Heartland Maker Fest, Lincoln Square Mall, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., free to attend
Grab some Cracked breakfast and head inside the mall this Saturday to see what some of C-U’s innovators are creating. Brought to you by the Fab Lab, Makerspace Urbana, and Central Illinois Aerospace, this is far from your typical crafts-market. Sure, you can buy things (cool things) but you can learn about resources, get help with your own ideas, and network with other makers. (RK)
Hardcore Architecture Artist Talk and Opening Reception, 4-9 p.m., Outhaus (709 E. Sunnycrest Dr., Urbana), $5
Hardcore Architecture is a project of Marc Fischer, a Chicago-based artist, and Public Collectors. Hardcore Architecture explores the relationship between the architecture of living spaces and the history of underground American hardcore bands in the 1980s. Band addresses are discovered using contact listings found in demo tape and record reviews published from 1982-89 in the fanzine MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL. Google Street View is used to capture photos of the homes. Street names and numbers are removed to respect the privacy of people currently living at these addresses. (RP)
Okstonerfest, Loose Cobra (Tolono), 4 p.m.
The Life + Times will be headlining what is being dubbed Okstonerfest — a ton of great rock ‘n roll out at the very awesome Loose Cobra in Tolono on Saturday afternoon/evening. Check out the schedule below:
4:00 Redleg (Champaign)
5:00 Electric Hawk (Chicago)
6:00 Dibiase (St. Louis)
7:00 Sweet Cobra (Chicago)
8:00 Life and Times (Chicago) (PS)
Beer + Tacos, Triptych Brewing, 1703 Woodfield Dr, Savoy, 4:30 p.m. to 10 p.m, or so, $10
ROKs Tacos is parking at Triptych after the football game, and what better way to celebrate men pummeling each other than by eating and drinking. I’m a super fan of the kimchi fried rice balls, so don’t miss out on those. Visit the Triptych website to see what’s on tap. Photo by Jessica Hammie. (JH)
SUNDAY, October 4th
Brunch, V. Picasso, 122 N Neil St, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., $15-$20 per person
The new brunch menu at V. Picasso looks amazing. Check out the peach pancakes with fried chicken wings, or the chilaquiles. Or the bourbon glazed French toast. Or the omelettes. And order yourself a Bloody Mary (add chicken wing or fried mozzarella!). Treat yourself (make a reservation here). Photo from Facebook. (JH)
6th New Art Film Festival, Art Theater Co-Op, 5 p.m.-11 p.m.(ish), free.
Local filmmakers and their pet projects are showcased in 3 blocks of 2 hours each, chosen and introduced by C-U Confidential’s Jason Pankoke. There’s a film created from an unfinished story by Roger Ebert, Pens to Lens recaps, a zombie movie, a zombie-teddybear movie, and documentaries about people you know. Spend 2-6 hours watching 3-5 minute long films made here, by us. (RK)
All event information is accurate to the best of our abilities, but sometimes we make mistakes and sometimes event information, times, prices, etc., change after we look them up. Whenever possible, we’ve provided a link to the original event page; you should always double-check the source before you make any firm plans. Thanks for your understanding.