Smile Politely

A Day At Stateville: a play written by inmates at Stateville Prison

Changing Minds Campaign in partnership with UC Books to Prisoners, 3Rs, Education Justice Project, UC Citizens for Peace and Justice and the Independent Media Center, presents a one-night-only, one-of-a-kind presentation of a play written by Stateville prisoners who are all doing natural life without parole. Performed by formerly incarcerated men, “A Day at Stateville” features a post-show discussion + potluck where the audience can dialogue with the performers. The discussion is moderated by attorney Jim Chapman, who teaches the “Life Transformation Through Communication” class at Stateville, the class in which the play was written.

This event is free of charge and takes place on  Saturday May 28 at 4pm at the Independent Media Center, 202 S. Broadway, UrbanaDiscussion and potluck to follow (at 4:30). Bring a dish to share!

From the introduction of “A Day at Stateville”:

“We present you some dialogue to share information with you; to start important conversations with the people now hearing that dialogue. Many have served very long terms themselves. We want to enroll you in our struggle, to touch move and inspire you to join with us to change these failed prisons. Don’t tell us about the prison industrial complex. We are its product. And now the complex is falling apart. This is a story of hope, faith. We don’t ask for sympathy. We ask you to work with us. The time for real struggle starts now. Both inside and out–together!”

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in critical dialog about how to make change together.

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