Smile Politely

Apricot Lane will help aid in your next trip to Campustown

Thinking about going to Campustown might not be something you’re totally interested in doing, seeing as how students are back, things are crazy with the school year fully underway, and all of that. However, as someone who thinks that same way — there are ways to tackle a bunch of things at once while you’re in Campustown. Here’s how. 

Well, one thing you might do is get lunch at Sakanaya. Those wings, man. It’s probably easier to get in there during lunch rather than dinner, so that’s a tip I can provide.

Let’s talk about parking, which we all know has been somewhat of a hot topic with the new developments in Campustown. See this map here? That’s the new parking garage, which is open, and available to utilize. Our friends at Apricot Lane will help in validating that parking when you spend some money at their establishment. Sure, $50 is $50, but really, on clothes — something you or a loved one probably needed to do that anyway — plus, fall is upon us. So that’s something you’ve probably gotta do one of these days. I did a little digging, and they have new styles to check out (boho style dresses, hats, oversized sweaters, and more), so grab some things (see photos above and below) and make your validation count.

Fashion parties are another thing that I didn’t know were a thing until I noticed ChambanaMoms doing one — but that’s another thing to think about as fall is approaching, and then, winter will be here. You know, like on Game of Thrones. It might make sense, and be something new for you to try out.

Point is, if you’re hesitant to go to Campustown, don’t be — it’s not as bad as you might think. Make your trip count and all will be well.

Executive Editor

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