Smile Politely

Arthur Mennonite auction this weekend

The 48th annual Arthur Mennonite Relief Sale will be held this weekend at the Otto Center, just south of downtown Arthur, IL. Furniture, quilts, toys, and other goods will be auctioned off to support Mennonite Central Committee, a worldwide relief agency. Also available with be Amish junk food, such as homemade donuts and elephant ears. It’s quite the cultural experience as you park your car next to a row of horse and buggies and bid on a bookcase or a garden hose against people wearing bonnets, suspenders and overalls, all for the good of poor people around the world.

When: Tonight until 9:00 p.m. or so, and tomorrow morning through mid to late afternoon or so. The website doesn’t say, but it ends when everything is auctioned off.

Where:  The Otto Center, just south of the intersection of Vine St. and Highway 133 in Arthur.

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