Smile Politely

Basic Bicycling Skills class being offered

Do you want to bicycle more but feel uncomfortable on the streets? This workshop is for you!

New cyclists, or those coming back to cycling after years without having bicycled, are often uncomfortable riding their bikes again. This class will review basic bicycle handling skills like getting off and on your bike, starting, stopping, signaling, and turning.

The class will begin with some classroom instruction and then participants will practice basic bicycling skills on their bikes in a vacant parking lot. The class will also include some tips on commuting by bicycle and a short night ride.

Led by League Cycling Instructors (certified through the League of American Bicyclists)
Monday, April 25, 5:30 to 8 p.m.
$2.50 for co-op owners/$5 for non-owners / Maximum 12 / Minimum 5 participants
Class Location: Urbana Free Library, Satterthwaite Conference Room

*Must pre-register by coming in to Common Ground Food Co-op to sign up and pay registration fee.

Download the event flyer here (pdf).

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