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C-U will have it’s own March for Our Lives this Saturday

Local high school students have organized a C-U version of the national March for Our Lives in D.C. this weekend. The national event was initiated by students from Parkland, Florida, and many other cities are hosting sister marches. The local event will be held from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Douglass Park. Here are more details from the Facebook event:

Join students from across Champaign-Urbana and beyond as they stand and march with the national March for Our Lives movement. Student organizers are from Urbana High School, Central, Centennial, and Uni. The event will take place rain or shine. Stay tuned to this event page for continuing updates.

Event Schedule:
2:30-3:30 pm- Rally- Student speeches and performances
3:30-4:00/4:30- March through Douglass Park and adjacent neighborhood
4:30-5:30- Tabling- Visit with community organizations to find out next step actions to help strengthen our community and reduce gun violence

Participating Organizations:
Amnesty International
Bend the Arc
Champaign-Urbana Progressives
Champaign Urbana Young Democrats
Graduate Employees’ Organization
Neighborhood Champions
Stone Soup Solidarity Group
Uniting Pride Center
WEFT Calendar
ACLU Champaign
Illini Democrats
League of Women Voters of Champaign County
Progressive Democrats of America
The Quaker Community
The Sisters In Faith
UIUC Students Against Gun Violence
Three Spinners
C-U Moms Demand Action

Please RSVP here:

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