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Carle Illinois students have a human rights clinic for refugees and asylum seekers

A group of medical students at Carle Illinois College of Medicine are providing medical and psychiatric evaluations for refugees and asylum seekers, as well as raising awareness about human rights issues.

Lidja Barbaric, a 4th year med student whose family immigrated from Bosnia and Herzegovina, is leading the charge. From the Carle Illinois website

Barbaric and her Carle Illinois medical student peers will be volunteering their time to run the human rights clinic, coordinate between case managers, legal personnel, social work, and translators, perform the evaluations, and ensure that the clients and their attorneys receive the documentation they need for their court cases.

They are partnering with Avicenna Community Health Center and the College of Law at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign to help meet the needs of patients. Now, they are looking for physicians, resident physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and licensed clinical psychologists to provide pro bono services. Those interested can contact the group at [email protected].

You can read more about their efforts here.

Top photo from Carle Illinois College of Medicine website.

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