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Champaign announces Summer of Food Trucks

Yesterday the City of Champaign posted an announcement on their website titled “City Launches Mobile Food Truck Pilot Project.” It reads, in part: 

“The City of Champaign is launching a pilot project for the summer months that would allow mobile food trucks in Downtown and Campustown at specified times and locations throughout the months of June, July and August.  The goal of the Mobile Food Truck Pilot Project is to provide an opportunity for mobile food truck vending and to also observe their impacts as the Champaign City Council considers the existing regulations for their operation.”


“Vendor [sic] would be able to operate within seven designated areas – four in the Downtown and three in Campustown.  Vendors would be able to operate a maximum of two hours at a time per location and most locations will be available for vending from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm daily.  Some locations will be limited to evening hours only.”

The City is offering discounted licensing fees of $50 (plus a $25 application fee) for the summer. CUPHD requirements are still the same. The City Council Study Session on this issue is still scheduled for June 26. 

The Crave Truck responded to this news on their Facebook page, in part:

“We look forward to exploring the approved parking locations in our usual 2 hr intervals throughout Champaign and Urbana from June through August. We believe that food trucks across America contribute to the vibrancy of their communities.”


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