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Champaign Federation of Teachers and Unit 4 reach tentative agreement

From one of the massive amounts of emails we’ve received, this is a very good thing:

Champaign Federation of Teachers, Local 1925, IFT/AFT/AFL-CIO

The Champaign Federation of Teachers have reached a Tentative Agreement (TA) with the Unit 4 Board of Education. The union will be arranging a membership meeting for a vote to take place. The union will not comment further on the Tentative Agreement until the team has had a chance to present the TA and the members have had a chance to vote.

For continuing coverage, check the Gazoo’s site, as they have done a great job reporting on it. If you can’t read it, use your Cookie Monster or buy a subscription ya cheapskate!

On a side note, don’t you think it’s badass at that the teachers in Champaign call themselves a Federation?

I think most people agree: they want to be part of a federation. I know I do.

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