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Columbia Street Roastery has the cold brew hook up

While stocking up on coffee at Columbia Street last week, I noticed this nifty display of cold brew accessories prominently displayed. I love a cup of hot coffee first thing in the morning, no matter how hot it is outside, but after that it’s cold brew all the way. Especially since we’ve been living on the sun the past several days. It’s important to note that cold brew does not equal iced coffee. Iced coffee is brewed then chilled, and it’s fine, but cold brew is actually brewed cold, and the result is a smoother, less acidic taste. It’s delightful. And while there are many fine establishments in town where you can purchase a cold brew, it’s quite nice (and more economical) to be able to create it in your own home.

Columbia Street has various cold brew systems, in various levels of complexity and price, and they’ve even printed out a handy recipe for making a yummy sweet cream cold brew. The folks there can help you choose a coffee variety for your cold brew — I’ve had success with the Guatemala single-origin.

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