Smile Politely

Here’s an old photo of 32 E Chester Street, Champaign

Seven Saints recently shared this decades-old photo of E Chester Street — decades old meaning probably from the early 1990s, based on the cars. (Yes, I gasped a little when I realized that the 1990s were decades, plural, ago.) Those of you who grew up here might remember Dan’s Hat Shop and Johnston’s Sport Shop. 

A little Googling tells me that the the founder and owner of Johnston’s Sport Shop was a Mr. G. Seely Johnston, who opened the shop in 1926 and moved it to the Chester Street location in 1970, where it seems to have remained at least until his death in 2001. 

Seven Saints opened in May 2007; this year marks 15 years of business for the restaurant. 






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Top image from the Seven Saints Instagram page.


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