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The ReGeneration Fund supports racial, economic, and climate justice

Sharon Irish, a research affiliate with the School of Information Sciences, started the ReGeneration Fund with Community Foundation of East Central Illinois in 2020 as a way to utilize her family’s multi-generational wealth to “support young people working toward racial, economic, and environmental justice locally.” From Irish’s website:

The fundamental motivating question for the Fund is: since young people are inheriting a climate crisis that is characterized by white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism and heterosexism, what can ReGeneration do to activate and assist youth, their peers and families to address the issues that they identify as critical?

The CFECI board recently approved $6500 to be distributed from the fund to Dream Girls Academy. Dr. Bianca Bailey will be leading a six week B-STEAM Accelerator Camp beginning October 10th for girls in grades 6-12. Dream Girls Academy provides leadership and learning activities for girls and women in C-U. 

If you are interested in contributing to the fund, you can do so here.

Top image from Dream Girls Academy website.

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