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Today is the last day to register for free Unit 4 supplemental education services

Unit 4 is providing free supplemental education services (tutoring) for students. Of the eleven elementary schools only one has made the Adequate Yearly Progress. Of the ten that did not make AYP only seven were deemed Title 1 Schools as of the 2011–2012 school year. Those seven schools qualify for free Supplemental Education Services this school year.

The schools are:

  • Dr. Howard
  • Garden Hills
  • Booker T. Washington
  • Westview
  • Carrie Busey
  • Stratton
  • Robeson Elementary Schools.

Students who are on the free/reduced lunch program at each school are eligible for the free tutoring services.

Parents will need to fill out the SES form to register their student for the tutoring services. The form can be mailed to the Mellon Building or turned in to the student’s school. Parents can find the form online, or request a form from their student’s school.

As a parent of a child in Unit 4 schools, I encourage other parents to sign their students up for tutoring. Even students who are not struggling can benefit from extra help. With the service being free, this is a rare opportunity for students to receive help at no cost to the parent. On-site tutoring services at the student’s school right after school is available. Students who are regularly bus riders after school will also receive bus service after tutoring.

There are 25 providers who offer the service to Unit 4. Most are out of state and offer online services. For those looking for face-to-face tutoring on-site at schools, one option is Club Z! tutoring. It offers 30 hours of tutoring in reading and 30 hours of tutoring in math. If you would like to learn more about Club Z! please contact program coordinator Sheri Williamson at or (217) 721-6540. The original registration deadline was October 19, but registration is being taken through October 26.

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