Smile Politely

Today is the last day to respond to the 2020 Census

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court ruled that counting for the 2020 Census can be stopped today, October 15th. This means that today is the absolute last day that we can get as close as possible to an accurate count of all persons living in the United States. As we noted in our July Editorial, census counts determine the allocation of federal funds and congressional districts.

If you are in some way connected to communities that tend to be undercounted (immigrant communities, BIPOC communities, non-English speaking communities), please do your best to reach out by the end of the day to ensure our neighbors, friends, and families are all counted.

Respond to the 2020 Census here.

For a detailed hour-by-hour breakdown of when Census Bureau resources are shuttering today, view this thread by NPR reporter Hansi Lo Wang.

Top image screenshot from the 2020 Census PSA promotional video.


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