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U of I School of Art & Design’s fashion show is happening May 7th

Re-Fashioned is a fashion show featuring the work of University of Illinois School of Art & Design students in the fashion classes. All of the looks are made with reused and recycled materials. It’s a really fun and fantastic way to celebrate the work of U of I students. 

As one of the BEST Arts events in C-U, we’ve definitely been missing Re-Fashioned for the last two pandemic years; it’s great to see that the public event is happening again. You can read about — and look at photos of — past fashion shows here, here, and here

Siebel Center for Design 
1208 S Fourth St
Sa May 7th, 6 p.m.

Top image by Melinda Edwards. Metal Slide Holders designers Haley Cox and Miah Gholar. Model Niani Scott.


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