Smile Politely

Video of Ron Paul’s visit

I attended Ron Paul’s event yesterday and took a lot of video. They’re here for you, gentle readers, in case you’re interested.

A guy from the AP asked me some questions. After I answered them, he asked me, “why are you here?” Well, I was there because, if a presidential candidate visits my city, I want to be there, whether or not I plan to vote for him or her.

Romney? Sure.
Obama? Absolutely.
Santorum? Only with a protest sign, and about 20 of my friends. But I’d be there.

So it was with Dr. Paul. I didn’t learn anything last night about Ron Paul that I didn’t already know. And nothing he said changed my mind about whether or not I’ll be voting for him. And I didn’t learn anything more about his supporters that I didn’t already know either. But I don’t regret going. However, I do regret that he didn’t bother with a question and answer session.

I also regret how shaky my videos are. I’m sorry. I jostled against the guy sitting behind me a few times, and I was always worried that my camera was in his way.

For more in depth coverage on Ron Paul and his visit, see Tony Pomonis’ article.


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