Smile Politely

ICE Out of CU! rally taking place this Saturday in Champaign

Read Brian Dolinar’s piece about how ICE in Champaign-Urbana is a very serious issue.

Next, there’s a rally being held at the Drury Inn at 905 W. Anthony Drive in Champaign — ICE Out of CU! takes place on Saturday, June 23rd from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Check out the Facebook event linked above and the description below:

We are holding a rally to protest the growing presence of ICE in or community. We wish to make CU a real sanctuary for immigrants. We have heard from those picked up that ICE agents come from St. Louis, and stay overnight at the Drury Inn in Champaign while they stage arrests. The hotel is effectively being used to facilitate deportations. We rally in solidarity with the families living in constant fear from being stopped by ICE. We are allies with the families seeing their loved ones taken away. We demand an end to the raids! We want to send a strong message to ICE that they are not welcome in CU!

Photo from the Facebook event page.

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