Smile Politely

Catch EKAH’s artwork on MTD’s schedule books, buses, and more

A booklet with artwork depicting various animals riding on or waiting for a bus.
Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District on Facebook

MTD’s new service year began August 13th, and their updated Maps & Schedules books are adorned with some fun artwork from EKAH. You’ve certainly seen her work in the public sphere, on a utility box in Urbana, at the Lierman Community Garden as part of The Great ARTdoors, and recently as the featured image for Boneyard Arts Festival.

The animals featured on the book cover will also be on buses and bus shelters throughout the community.

The books can be found on MTD buses, or you can find a digital copy of the updated maps and schedules at the MTD website. There are not many changes from last year’s service, but you can see those changes described here.

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