Smile Politely

A Building, A Feeling & A Latrine: Stripes & Freaks

An art display of bodies with eyeballs for heads. They are painted and the background is small geometric shapes in holographic paper.
Photo by Tom Ackerman, art by @bryantanderson

Look, I was hoping to have some unifying theme this month, but it just wasn’t in the cards. All I got for you this B/F/L is some horizontal stripes and some funky little freaks. Let’s hop to it.

A BUILDING: The Asian Supermarket / Piccadilly Liquor on Prospect

I was grabbing a wee treat from the Dunkin’ on Prospect the other day when I noticed this striking building. 

The outside of a blue painted building. It has a yellow, blue and red stripe around the front of the building and two white cars parked in front. There is a cloudy gray sky above the building.
Tom Ackerman

I just had to get a closer look. Of course I’d driven past the Piccadilly Liquor / Asian Supermarket hundreds of times, but I’d never stopped to take in its retro charm. This building has a ton of character, but my favorite bit is these orange, green, and red stripes. Maybe this building was a (very large) 7-Eleven in the past? 

The corner outside of a blue painted building. It has a yellow, blue and red stripe around the front of the building and maroon car parked in front. There is a cloudy gray sky above the building.
Tom Ackerman

Tragically, the stripes do not continue all the way around the building, but the baby blue base coat does. 

The back side of a blue painted building. There is a loading dock and wooden pallets stacked up on the left side of the image. There is a cloudy gray sky above the building.
Tom Ackerman

My other favorite part of this building is how the Piccadilly has personalized their entrance by adding some black marble tile. Discordant with the rest of the building for sure, but you know, sorta classy. 

The outside of a blue painted building. It has a yellow, green and red stripe around the front of the building and black tile around the doorway. A blue sign for Piccadilly Liquor and a large red open sign are above the door.
Tom Ackerman

VERDICT: 8/10. I took two full points off for the stripes not going all the way around, but I gotta say, if you’re gonna run a business out of a cinder block rectangle, it should look like this. That’s even apart from the fact that this building is a one-stop-shopping destination unrivaled by anywhere else in town. During my visit I bought a wok, several bags of frozen dumplings, and some Pocari Sweat, then popped next door for a 24 pack of Miller High Lifes (Lives?). I don’t care who you are, that’s convenience.  

A FEELING: Being inspired by Boneyard Arts Fest

I must sheepishly admit, I’m a latecomer to the magic that is Boneyard Arts Fest. For years my friends would spend the whole weekend touring around trying to see all the art while I just poked in here and there. But lately, I, too, am striving to take in everything Boneyard has to offer. It’s hard though! Seems like Boneyard gets exponentially bigger every year. This time I spent a whole day looking at awesome local (and semi-local) art and never even left Champaign to see all the stuff in Urbana and other spots. 

Of the pieces I did see though, there was plenty of my two favorite genres of art: “Funky Freaks” and “Weird Little Guys.” 

These chickens? Definite Funky Freaks.

Two chicken sculptures with colorful beaks and black and white patterned bodies.
Funky chickens by @hooeybatiks; Photo by Tom Ackerman

Same with some of these eyeball people. 

An art display of bodies with eyeballs for heads. They are painted and the background is small geometric shapes in holographic paper.
@bryantanderson; Photo by Tom Ackerman

Some, but not all, of this set are off-the-charts funky and 100% freaks. 

A wall of framed portraits in shades of the same colors. Each portrait is a different color.
@comiccentral92; Photo by Tom Ackerman

This may appear to be just a bunch of tongues, but if you look closely, a couple of them have googly eyes on them, converting them into some of the weirdest little guys you’re likely to meet.

A wall of silicone tongues of various colors.
Psychedelic mouths by John Scott; Photo by Tom Ackerman

The whimsy level on these weird little guys seems hard to beat.

Carved wooden figurines are displayed on individual small wooden blocks hung on a white wall.
Small friends by @kimcaisseart; Photo by Tom Ackerman

But of course, the undefeated champions of making weird little guys are children, as evidenced by these plushies created by students at South Side Elementary School. 

Six little stuffed creatures of various shapes and colors. They are attached to black fabric ribbon hanging on a black wall.
Tom Ackerman

VERDICT: I love looking at the art at Boneyard, and purchasing some of it to cherish forever while also supporting local artists, but this year the main feeling I took away from the festival was that I gotta make more art!

Like, what am I doing playing video games and scrolling through TikTok when I could be drawing stuff?! Sure, the pee jokes I write here for Smile Politely are art, but sometimes I just gotta whip out the paper and marker and make my own weird little guy. 

Look, I did it. Here’s a weird little guy I drew just now!

A hand drawn chicken man looking up and sticking out a long squiggly tongue from his beak. He has pink glasses and green shorts.
Tom Ackerman

His name is Bertrand. He likes wearing cargo shorts and selling homeowner’s insurance. 

Obviously I could NEVER part with Bertrand now that I’ve created him. But I suppose if you really must have him, everything has a price (Bertrand’s price is $175). 

A LATRINE: The men’s room at Fiesta Cafe

I’ve got a LOT of opinions about the many Mexican restaurants in Chambana, but Fiesta Cafe is the one that feels the most like home to me. With that in mind I ventured to the men’s room to see if it is as homey as the rest of the place.

A bathroom with a brown tile floor, blue metal stall doors and light blue walls with an orange sign that says "quit smoking".
Tom Ackerman

Well, it’s not as warm and friendly in here as the dining room, but it’s quite clean and functional. And look! A horizontal stripe, just like on the building! See, this column is really coming together. 

A bathroom with a brown tile floor, and light blue walls with an orange sign that says "quit smoking". There is a white urinal next to a gray dividing wall.
Tom Ackerman

This quit smoking sign isn’t really homey, but it is somewhat motherly and that has to count for something. Excellent sinks here with some pretty fancy soap dispensers.

A bathroom with three white sinks on an orange tile counter. There is a large mirror and on the sink is a large plastic bottle of cleaner.
Tom Ackerman

This jug of “Orange Goop ®” is definitely detracting from the overall appearance though. Not just cuz it’s big and orange, but also cuz I think using a stylized hand to make the “G” in “Goop” but then NOT using another stylized hand to make the “O” in “Orange” is a real missed opportunity. Like, I’m definitely gonna be washing BOTH my hands if I use this stuff, I want them equally represented in the logo.

A bathroom with a white sink on an orange tile counter. There is a large mirror and on the sink is a large plastic bottle of orange cleaner called Goop.
Tom Ackerman

VERDICT: Definitely in the top 20th percentile of restaurant bathrooms here in town. My favorite part about this though is the photos of menu items hung over the urinals. Genius move honestly. I’ll just be in there takin’ a wizz and thinking to myself “dang, I really could go for some Frijoles Charros.” More restaurants should do this. 

A black framed menu items. One is for chicken fajitas, black beans and rice. The other for frijoles charros- cowboy beans. The wall is light blue.
Tom Ackerman

Well, that’s all for me this month kiddos. Don’t forget to keep making stuff and, ya’know, creating things. Whether you think it’s art or not, it’s good for that soul of yours. 

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