Smile Politely

Weekender: March 10-12

FRIDAY, March 10th

Order your Pi Day pies, your bakery of choice, all weekend, prices vary

Everyone loves a good pun, right? Is it still a pun if you’re making a joke about numbers and not words? I guess the joke is really about pi(e), so it’s still a pun, right? Regardless, Pi Day (3.14) is Tuesday. Consider celebrating pi with pie. You may want to order your pie of choice from your bakery of choice in advance, otherwise you will be without pi(e). Photo of Hopscotch pie by Jessica Hammie (JH)

Engineering Open House, U of I, 9 a.m.-March 11th at 3 p.m., free

This is the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s 97th annual Engineering Open House! Illinois’ brightest students showcase projects, exhibits, research, and startups.Check out the giant Tesla Coil Concert, dorm room fire simulation, and a special guest speaker. Be sure to download the app to keep track of all the sweet displays. (SL)


Buy yourself a cake (or cupcake), Cake Artist’s Studio, 1100 West Bloomington Road, Champaign, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday), $39 or $4

I know most people don’t just buy themselves an entire cake on a whim, and that makes me sad. More people should buy themselves cake! And share it with friends! (Or not.) I’m very much in love with the cakes at The Cake Artist’s Studio, but I haven’t been in a while because I’m “watching what I eat.” This weekend’s cold weather and forward-springing clocks means that I’m going to “watch what I eat” go right into my mouth. An entire cake (feeds 12, allegedly) is $39.39 with tax. If you are using more self control, a cupcake will cost you about $4. It’s well worth the price and the calories. Photo by Jessica Hammie (JH) 

Visit the Mosque, 106 S. Lincoln Ave, Urbana, 5:45-8:45 p.m., free

Muslim people are a part of our community. They work, live, play and contribute to the growth and development of our society. They also worship here. Today, they’re opening up their doors for you to come into their place of worship and participate in an A.M.A. (ask me anything). It is very informal and there will be food. If you’re interested in learning about this culture, check out this event. (SL)

Tara Terra, Euriah, Social Imaginary, Sleeping Okami, Cowboy Monkey, $7, 8 p.m.

Here’s a show worth checking out on Friday night at Cowboy Monkey, headlined by Tara Terra. They’ll be performing with a few locals — Euriah and Social Imaginary (featuring Adam Fein of Absinthe Blind, Mike Ingram, and more), and Sleeping Okami. A lot of bang for $7. (PS)

SATURDAY, March 11th

8 to Create, [co][lab] 206 W. Main St., Urbana, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m., FREE

One of the coolest recurring fine-arts shows, this one is all about process. Eight artists (local, regional, and national) will be at co-lab actually creating for eight hours. Grab a coffee next door in the morning & watch the inception, then stop back throughout the day, or hit up the reception at 6:30 (there will be snacks) where all the finished works will be on display. It’s not often we get to see the process as part of the art, so it’s definitely worth dropping by. (RK) 

Pizza FM Charity Show for Planned Parenthood, 801 W Oregon St. in Urbana, 6 p.m., donations

Local student radio station Pizza FM is bringing us this alternative rock show that features a handful of some great up-and-coming bands, and the profits will go to benefit Planned Parenthood. That makes this show an excellent way to discover new favorites and support a vital organization at the same time. They’ll also have pizza available (naturally) and the event is BYOB. Visit the event page for the full lineup and more info. (JM)

Sunset with Motes and Unknown Pleasures, Cowboy Monkey, 9 p.m., $7

Chris Broach, a member of the classic C-U emo band Braid, is coming through Champaign with his latest group, Sunset, as they make their way to this year’s SXSW. The rock and electronica group is playing this show in anticipation of their debut release, which drops April 7th. Support them in all of their endeavors while also enjoying the alt-indie stylings of Motes and the not-so-sunny sounds of a Joy Division cover band. (JM)

SUNDAY, March 12th

CUDO Plays Grand Exhibition, Urbana Civic Center 108 E. Water St., 1-8 p.m., FREE

Local designers, gamers and enthusiasts have been working dilligently since September to come up with unique concepts, fun mechanics and snazzy-looking art to compete in the 4th annual board game design competition. From 1-6 p.m. there will be open game-testing of all the contestants’ completed games, and at 7:30 is the award ceremony. In between, you can grab dinner from Fusilli Tony’s food truck. It’s a good way to spend an early-spring day, and a great showcase of local talent. (RK)

TSA PreCheck, Willard Airport, all day between 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

If you’re a frequent traveler, this is a great deal to jump on that you can take care of this weekend at Willard Airport. Check out the SPlog linked above for the info, but these TSA PreChecks don’t happen very often in C-U, so this is your opportunity to take care of that and be on your way through airport security with ease. (PS)

Bluegrass & Brunch10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Watson’s Shack and Rail

Featuring music, a specially-devised menu and a full cocktail bar, Watsons’ brunch this Sunday combines pretty much every awesome thing in the entire world. How convenient it is this weekend. (BH)


St. Patrick’s Day high tea, Sylvia’s Irish Inn (312 W. Green St., Urbana, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m., $25

For twenty five bucks, you can have a traditional Irish tea, including a glass of champagne, in one of C-U’s most unique atmospheres. Click the link above to find the phone number to call to make reservations – I’ve got a feeling this one will fill up quick. (BH)





All event information is accurate to the best of our abilities, but sometimes we make mistakes and sometimes event information, times, prices, etc., change after we look them up. Whenever possible, we’ve provided a link to the original event page; you should always double-check the source before you make any firm plans. Thanks for your understanding.

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