Smile Politely

Weekender: October 24-26

FRIDAY, October 24th

Treat yourself to s’mores and/or Oreo brownies, Cream & Flutter, 114 North Walnut Street, Champaign, 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m., $4

A recent conversation revealed that not all people love brownies, which seems a little crazy. But if you do love brownies, you should stop by Cream & Flutter to get an admittedly expensive, but rich and tasty Oreo or s’mores brownie. I think last time there were also salted caramel ones. Treat yourself, or impress a date. (JH)

Empires, Feral States, Channing Murray Foundation, $12, 8 p.m.

Chicago’s Empires are headed back through C-U this weekend, and they have quite the stretch of tour dates lined up in support of their recently released record, Orphan. Had it not been for Sky Ferreira’s show last night, this would be my Editor’s Pick for the week. Channing Murray is a great place to see a show, and this should be a good one. Locals Feral States will join this bill as local support on Friday evening. (PS)




Spend 8 hours at the movies, The Art Theater Co-op, 10 p.m.

Test your endurance (and butt strength) with eight straight hours of bloodcurdling (and, if custom holds, pretty funny) horror films at the Art Theater Co-op in downtown Champaign. This event features John Carpenter’s modern horror classic Halloween, the newish cult-fave anthology horror Trick ‘R Treat, and titles to be named later! Snacks will be available. Tickets are $15 for the whole night, or $12 for the HALLOWEEN/TRICK ‘R TREAT Double-Feature, available in person at the theater. (MG)

SATURDAY, October 25th

Tailgating for Homecoming, Memorial Stadium, start around 8-9 a.m., price varies

Sure, there aren’t many reasons to go to the Illinois football games. That’s just a fact. The team stinks — plain and simple. However, tailgating with friends and family that come back to C-U for Homecoming is another topic all together. I will be heading over there to enjoy the great weather that is supposed to hit the area, drink some cold beverages, toss the pigskin around and eat food. The game starts at 11 a.m., so starting your tailgate a bit before that is a good move. (PS)

Triptych Pumpkin Dunkelweizen cask tapping, Seven Saints, 32 East Chester Street, Champaign, 11 a.m.-2 a.m. (but it won’t last that long)

Triptych has brewed a special cask of pumpkin dunkelweizen and Seven Saints is going to tap it. It’s pretty much that simple: go to Seven Saints, order your Triptych dunkelweizen (aged on Knob Creek soaked oak chips) and enjoy your afternoon. Photo from Facebook. (JH)



Ghost Stories: Stories from the Other Side, Spurlock Museum, 600 S. Gregory, Urbana, 7:30-9 p.m., $6-8

Two ghost story concerts for Halloween will feature local favorite tellers Dan Keding, Kath Brinkmann, and Kim Sheahan, as well as tellers from UIUC faculty, staff, and students. All donations and admission fees will support the Museum’s educational programs. This ghost story concert features tales with adult themes or heightened fear factors. It is for adults only (age 16 and above). Don’t worry — everyone still gets candy. (RP)

SUNDAY, October 26th

Howl’oween at the Bark District, Southeast corner of Windsor & Rising Rd., Champaign, 2-4 p.m., $5

If you would like to experience or show off dogs in Halloween costumes, head to the Champaign Park District’s annual Halloween event. Dogs in costume will parade (on leashes, please) around the “small dog” section of the dog park while the “large dog” section will be open for free play. The event features a parade and costume contest with prizes available. (RP)

The Skin of Our Teeth, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, 3 p.m.

Catch a matinee performance (it’s your last chance, actually, so step it up) of a classic work of dark comedy. “Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1943, The Skin of Our Teeth is ripe for reexamination in 2014. As we experience chaotic weather fluctuations, economic dislocations, and international conflicts, Thornton Wilder’s comic interpretation of human experience through the ages seems somehow prescient and eternal.” Don’t believe Krannert’s description? How about the review by SP’s own Thom Schnarre. Go see a play! Talk about it afterward! Find out what the hell is going on in this poster! (MG)

Rake your leaves, all day

Last year someone sent me a nasty letter about how I hadn’t picked up my leaves. So, don’t be like me and pick up those leaves! Especially if you live in the B1 square (see photo) between Mattis, Kirby, Prospect, and Springfield because the city is picking up your leaves tomorrow! Click here for more information on city leaf pick up schedules. (SL)




Pumking beer and costume party, Crane Alley, 7 p.m.

Pumking beer is the best pumkin beer there is. And it only comes around once a year. Naturally, liquore stores buy plenty to sell to customers. Suprisingly, it is all sold out as soon as it hits the floor. You can, however, go to Crane Alley and drink Pumpking out of a huge hallowed out pumpkin while participating or watching the halloween costume contest. So dress and drink up at Crane this Sunday. (SL)


All event information is accurate to the best of our abilities, but sometimes we make mistakes and sometimes event information, times, prices, etc., change after we look them up. Whenever possible, we’ve provided a link to the original event page; you should always double-check the source before you make any firm plans. Thanks for your understanding.

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