Smile Politely

The Overture: Mar. 22 – 28

WHAT: Bolokada Conde with Rhythm Manding

WHERE: Red Herring ($TBA)

WHEN: Friday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m.

As it turns out, West African percussion master Bolokada Conde is in this midst of a week-long spring break workshop at Channing-Murray Foundation. Catch him on Friday night with Rhythm Manding for a performance masterclass.


WHAT: Faster Forward, The Palace Flophouse, The Cheaper Hits

WHERE: Bentley’s Pub ($5)

WHEN: Friday, March 25th at 7:30 p.m.

I’ll admit that two of the three bands on this show aren’t exactly in-line with a lot of our music coverage, but that doesn’t make them any less worthy of your attention. Plus, Bentley’s serves honest to god 20 oz. pints for all you grown-up drinkers out there.


WHAT: Terminus Victor, Withnail, the Private Thoughts

WHERE: Cowboy Monkey ($5)

WHEN: Friday, March 25th at 10:00 p.m.

Terminus Victor are a juggernaut of a live band that doesn’t play out as often as many other locals. That alone should be a good argument, but when you add Witnail (who recently blew down the coverup with a superb Afghan Whigs set) and the unreasonably fun Private Thoughts, you have all the makings of an excellent night out.


WHAT: Margot & the Nuclear So and So’s, The Giving Tree Band, The Leadership

WHERE: Canopy Club ($12 advance)

WHEN: Saturday, March 26th at 8:00 p.m.

Margot and the Nukes have built up a strong local fanbase with their frequent stops in town, most recently performing last year at Krannert Center. While that was a great show in its own right, I can only imagine it gets better if you add the Canopy and cheap PBR to the equation. Also — if you haven’t seen the Leadership yet, you’re missing out on one of the better bands to come out of the area recently.

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