Smile Politely

A Pancake/Rock Marathon

Is it carb-load and then run… or the other way around? We get all confused…

Either way, what began as silliness has now become.. well.. even more silliness. But at least it’s for a good cause.

Chicago-area band Vaudevileins, out on their CD release tour, will be visiting Champaign this Saturday to play a show at Mike n’ Molly’s. They have challenged their supporting acts Withnail and Faster Forward to a pre-show FLAPJACK SMACKDOWN!

At 4PM on 4/30–while other folks are out pounding the pavement–band members will meet at Merry Ann’s Diner in downtown Champaign for a breakfast pastry eating competition of epic proportions! First team to pound their way to the bottom of a Merry Ann’s full stack wins.

So how is that a good cause? Well, when you visit to learn more, you’ll see that we’ve set up a nice little page where you can a.) make a contribution to the good folks at Champaign-Urbana Autism Network*, in return for which you can b.) place a vote for your favorite team to win this flapsmackdown, and c.) then download free mp3 tracks from Vaudevileins, Withnail, and Faster Forward!

Team 1: Faster Forward/Withnail. Team 2: Vaudevileins.

So cast your votes, download your tracks, and come see the Cake/Rock Carnage when the Vaudevileins get to town! (Cakes at 4, Rocks at 9)

Thank you for your time,

–The Flapjack Smackdown Team

*The Champaign-Urbana Autism Network is a special project of the Autism Society of Illinois, providing a network of information sharing and support for anyone living or working with persons on the Autism Spectrum. Their goal is to continue to learn more about autism and better ways to integrate persons with autism into society through education, training and support from the family and community.)


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