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BEST support for local arts through interactivity: Small Press Fest and Holiday Art Pop-Up Palooza

From our BEST 2020 feature:

BEST support for local arts through interactivity: Small Press Fest and Holiday Art Pop-Up Palooza

Replacement of in-person art festivals with social media events sounds easier than it is. There are so many things that are lost: conversation with the artist, experiencing the work in person, and most importantly, the implicit call to “buy now,” while you still can. Then there’s the near Sisyphean work of beating the algorithm so that your audience actually sees your content. In far too many cases, social media-based art-selling events were lost to that week’s news feed noise. However, two particular events cultivated levels of interactivity and urgency that helped them cut through the noise. Kudos to Small Press Fest 2020 for their HSN-style videos featuring makers and artists selling their work. And hats off to Holiday Art Pop-Up Palooza 2020 for recreating the excitement of the “buy it now” experience with their limited live sales from individual artists. (Debra Domal)

Top image by Small Press Fest.

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