Smile Politely

Champaign Park District is having a pool pass sale

Is this hope that I’m feeling? 

Now that I have teenagers I don’t really spend much time at the pool, but seeing actual pool pass sales happening is filling me with hopeful feelings.

Last summer, I took an outdoor fitness class, and for three hours each week I stared at a Sholem Aquatic Center that was closed, and would remain closed all summer. It was kind of a depressing reminder of the reality we were living in.

Summer 2021 is sure to be better than summer 2020, right? Right? Of course there will still be some mitigations in place, probably some capacity limits (which sounds pretty good to me, even when COVID isn’t a thing), but the ability to purchase pool passes right now seems like a positive step forward.

Let’s keep masking, keep distancing, keep signing up for those vaccines when they are available to you. And if you want a good deal on your Champaign Park District pool pass, be sure to buy it on Monday, February 22nd. 

Top photo from Champaign Park District Facebook page. 

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