Smile Politely

Friends of Boneyard hosting open house Saturday

From the press release:

This Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friends of the Boneyard (FOB) will be hosting an open house to gather input on what the community wants to see at the Boneyard Creek phase nearest downtown Urbana. FOB is using the Popularise platform to gather input, pictures, links, and more from anyone who is interested, and you can upload your thoughts at any time.

These ideas will be collected, analyzed, and later presented to the city for consideration as possible additions to the next phases of the Boneyard redevelopment.

Please come and join us at [co][lab] in downtown Urbana for a tour of the nearest Boneyard segment, concept pictures from the Boneyard Creek Master Plan, and to submit your thoughts on what you’d like to see! Invite your friends—the more ideas, the more we can make this a place for all to enjoy!

Executive Editor

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