Smile Politely

Go down the rabbit hole with Trito’s Uptown’s schedule from October 1989

A dark photo of Trito's Uptown's white sign, featuring cars on the street and a Co-Ed Theater marquee across the street
The Ordinaires

Trito’s Uptown was located at 6th and Green in Campustown back in the day, which played host to a ton of shows for many years. Seeing a show schedule like this is always inspiring, a way to remember a piece of our culture from the past. This October 1989 poster features some absolute juggernauts: Nirvana, The Jesus Lizard, Uncle Tupelo, Primus, Smashing Pumpkins, oh my.

I’d recognize that Ward Gollings handwriting anywhere. h/t to Bill Johnson on Facebook for this.

Trito's Uptown show schedule for October 1989 on black and white paper
Bill Johnson

Executive Editor

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