Smile Politely

Good tweets rewarded with free calzones from DP Dough

We’re a social media based society. Almost everyone is on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram and we share everything on there. The biggest moments in our lives and the most mundane, all are uploaded to the web and shared.

At its heart, the idea of sharing on social media is both part of personal vanity and that of the willingness to include friends and acquaintances in our experiences. The vanity, though, is probably at the forefront and frankly, that’s sometimes the most fun. Coming up with a funny quip, hilarious picture, or a great video and seeing how many likes or favorites or retweets it gets is fun. It’s exhilarating to know that one of our creations is trending.

That’s why being rewarded for brand interaction and social media prowess is a great way for businesses to interact with followers. It’s fun for the social media users to engage, and it’s just as fun for the brands to watch the engagements happen. DP Dough is at the forefront of this type of interaction in town with their #FREEtweet initiative.

It’s pretty simple. Follow @DPDough, tweet about DP Dough, and if your tweet entertains or is good enough for DP Dough, they’ll tweet at you and you get a free calzone for pick up.

It’s the best of both worlds, really. Twitter users get a chance to boost their social media currency and a shot to get free food. That sounds pretty #good.

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