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Help ReStore name this mounted deer

Three images of a mounted deer head: on the left, viewed from the side. In the center, viewed from the front, but decorated with fake eyes and a fake mouth; on the right, viewed from the front but wearing a tag that says name the deer contest.
Champaign ReStore on Instagram

CU Habitat ReStore has a taxidermied deer bust (do we call them that if they are animals?) that needs a name. It makes me a little sad to see its cute little face and dead eyes, but ReStore has put unnamed deer to work on social media, much to my delight. 

This naming contest has been going on for a little while, and the folks at ReStore have whittled the list of potentials down to six:

  • Antlers McGee
  • Billy the Bargain Buck
  • Buckaroo
  • Habitat Hank
  • Homer
  • Uncle Buck

I think all of these are reasonable candidates. You can vote for your favorite by commenting on the Instagram post; a quick look at time of publishing shows Antlers McGee in the lead.  

1914 Glenn Park Dr
T 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
W-F 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. + 5 to 6 p.m.
Sa 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


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