Smile Politely

How are we feeling at this point in the summer?

Wide shot of a large swimming pool with zero entry. There are people scattered throughout, and lifeguard chairs with yellow umbrellas at various spots around the pool.
Sholem Aquatic Center on Facebook

We are now past July 4th, which is the official mid-point of summer. I don’t know if that’s actually true, but that’s what we all feel in our hearts, right? Regardless, we are well on the downslope of the season, barreling into fall.

How does that make you feel? Do you dread the thought of summer ending, or are you already over the heat and the loosey goosey schedule (if you are someone bound by an academic calendar)? Do you enjoy the quieter vibe of our university town, or are you energized by the influx of population in August?

My answer to all of those questions is yes. I am a web of conflicting emotions, compounded by the fact that one of my children is leaving the nest at the end of this particular summer. And, while I LOVE FALL and all of its leaves and pumpkins and marching band performances and fun festivals, this is point where I start to panic about doing summer things. Such as:

  • Using up my 10 visit pool pass that I seemed SO SURE about purchasing at the beginning of summer.
  • Eating ice cream. Have I done enough of this? I know that you can eat ice cream all year long, but it feels like an imperative in the summer.
  • Going to the drive in. Is the Barbie movie going to get me out there finally?
  • Making more summery sorts of dishes from all the seasonal veggies from my CSA and the farmers markets
  • Generally having Summer Fun™. Have I done enough of this? I don’t feel like I’ve done enough of this.
  • Relaxing. Summer is supposed to be relaxing, right?

Readers, I hope that you are experiencing just the right amount of summer, with a healthy outlook on its impending end. If you want to make sure you’re seeing the highlights of what we are doing this summer, sign up for our weekly digest below.

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