Smile Politely

It’s a great time to be in C-U

Two hands make a heart, on the wrist is a rainbow sweatband and there is a blurry crowd and a rainbow striped flag in the background.
Uniting Pride of Champaign County

Friends, we are in peak cultural season in Champaign-Urbana, and I am very excited to be here. 

After a fantastic ELLNORA weekend, we are now in the thick of PYGMALION. If you missed last night’s festivities, DO NOT FEAR! There is so much more to come. Check out our PYG musicnon-music, and food guides to make a plan.  

Pride 2023 programming kicks off on Monday, with the main celebrations happening next weekend. Take a peek at the full schedule here. Next weekend you can also grab your stein and dance some polka at Oktoberfest in Downtown Champaign, or take in Deke Weaver’s and Jennifer Allen’s Cetecean, the latest offering in The Unreliable Bestiary series.

This is all happening over just two weekends, and I haven’t even scratched the surface of all there is to do. The weather has been amazing, the leaves will soon be turning, spooky season is upon us…let’s settle into the greatness of this. Soon enough we’ll be heading into the dark days of winter.

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