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Learn about stretch therapy at Living Legacy Pilates

A white woman is sitting on a bench, hands behind her head, with elbows out. A Black woman therapist is positioned behind her, stretching her arms.
Living Legacy Pilates on Facebook

Living Legacy Pilates has opened something called the Stretch Studio, where they are offering one-on-one sessions with stretch therapists. According to their website, it’s “designed to increase mobility, flexibility, and blood flow.” Until just now, I didn’t even know that this was a thing, but it sounds lovely.

If you are also just learning that stretch therapy is a thing, and you want to find out about it, they are having an open house on September 19th from 4:30 to 8 p.m. You can chat with stretch therapists, do a free 10-15 minute stretch session, and have some refreshments. They are asking that you RSVP, to give an idea of how many people to expect.

Living Legacy Pilates Open House
44 E Main St #102
September 19th, 4:30 to 8 p.m.

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