Smile Politely

Lisa Fay and Jeff Glassman are doing an artist talk and workshop on Saturday

Black and white image of a white woman with long hair and black top, and a white man who is bald with a black shirt under a light colored button down shirt. They are seated next to each other.
Krannert Art Museum

You can spend a Saturday afternoon with movement-based theatre duo Lisa Fay and Jeff Glassman on September 16th from noon to 3:30 p.m. at Krannert Art Museum. Their artist talk and workshop will take place in the Hood Classroom on the lower level of the museum. Their work is described in this way on the KAM website:

They are known for applying complex composed structures to ordinary daily human behavior and originating the performance techniques required for these compositions to manifest in the medium of live theatre—embodied composition. 

The results, ranging from humorous and disarming to mesmerizing and disorienting, arise as metaphors for social processes. 

Their appearance is an extension of the Pattern and Process exhibition, comprised of pieces from KAM’s 20th and 21st century collections, featuring a variety of artists. The exhibition was featured in February’s Five things in Arts.

Fay/Glassman Duo: Artist Talk and Workshop
Krannert Art Museum
500 East Peabody
September 16th, noon to 3:30 p.m.

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