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Local artist wants to see your junk drawer

We all have them, don’t we? The drawers in the kitchen or in a desk that are full of random collections of whatnot — though you’ll always find a rubber band, a thumb tack, and a battery. (And in my experience, something sharp, like a bamboo skewer or knife or broken scissors.)

Guen Montgomery, an artist and performer and Teaching Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois has an Instagram account that showcases junk drawers the world over. The account is a very funny and subtle reminder that humans share many behaviors, regardless of our differences.

I see myself in each one of these drawers, and I’m sure you’ll see a bit of yourself, too.

Follow the account here (@showmeyourjunkdrawer). Send your junk drawer photos via DM to be featured. And, for the record: If you have a junk box or junk basket, or, hell, an entire room, those are acceptable, too.





Sparklers. This junk drawer belongs to Kayla Kimball in Albuquerque, NM. #showmeyourjunkdrawer

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Top image screenshot from ShowMeYourJunkDrawer’s Instagram page.


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