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Medieval merriment at the Festival of Maidens on January 25th

Do you dream of being an armored knight locked in combat armed with sword and shield, or a dashing swordsman wielding a rapier in a duel?

What about shopping in a medieval market for a drinking horn or one of those fantastic Elizabethan dresses? Have you ever wanted to be a Disney princess for a day?

Do you want to learn how to make your own glass beads or Japanese traditional clothing, recreate Roman sculptures’ hairstyles, or learn to brew your own beverages? What about finishing the day with a medieval Icelandic feast, music, and dancing?

See all these and more at the 41st annual Festival of Maidens, a revel which has been held in Champaign-Urbana every January since 1973. 

The Society for Creative Anachronism is an international not-for-profit living history organization dedicated to bringing the Middle Ages and Renaissance to life through research and reenactment. The local group, the Shire of Wurm Wald, holds monthly meetings for fighters, fencers, artists and artisans, brewers, calligraphers, costumers, and more.

There’s something for everyone: creative workshops, medieval marketplace shopping, feasting, fighting, events for children and teens, a King and Queen in full regalia, music, and merriment.

People of all ages are invited to make their favorite Disney character come to life in historic fashion… though the glass slippers are not recommended, because the floors can be slippery!

Who: Society for Creative Anachronism, Shire of Wurm Wald
What: The 41st Annual Festival of Maidens
Where: The Illini Union, 1401 W Green St, Urbana, IL 61801
When: Saturday, January 25, 2013
Contact for More Information: Misty Martin, (217) 255-0762 or [email protected]
Event website:
Local group website:
National website:

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