Smile Politely

PYGMALION artists, green beans, murals, and more

Three side by side images. The first is a white woman with long brown hair and a reddish orange dress, sitting on a sofa with arms outstretched. In the center is a white plate piled with cooked green beans. The third is a brightly colored mural on the side of a building, with a crane in the foreground.
Lauren Mayberry/Alyssa Buckley/Jessica Hammie

Glancing through the highlights in this week’s Smile Politely Digest made me smile. Where else can you find such an eclectic examination of C-U culture? In one swoop you can begin to plan your PYGMALION weekend, find out where to get some deliciously prepared green beans, learn about the artist behind a spectacular new mural, and gain some insight into juvenile justice in our community.

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