Smile Politely

Sexual Assault Awareness Month events for April 2017 announced

From the press release:

Engaging New Voices in the Conversation: Sexual Assault Awareness Month, April 2017

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (March 30, 2017) — Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) begins April 1, 2017, and continues throughout April. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Parkland College, and the community at large have planned a host of events to raise awareness around this local, national and international problem. All events are free and open to the public.

According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, “the goal of SAAM is to raise public awareness about sexual violence and to educate communities and individuals on how to prevent sexual violence.” The Champaign-Urbana community has adopted the national theme of Engaging New Voices in ending sexual assault.

Thomas Nguyen, Illinois graduate student in social work and graduate assistant at the University of Illinois Women’s Resources Center, believes that bringing new voices into the conversation, both as speakers and as listeners, is essential in bringing about large-scale change.

“It can be tiring and exhausting to share these experiences and feel like nothing’s happening, that people only care about these issues if it’s on their radar. I think the point of the month is to make sure that we are giving a voice and a space to people to speak about their experiences and really ask other people to just listen,” said Nguyen. 

To open the month, the Red Flag Campaign will kick off at the Illinois campus on Monday, April 3, 2017, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Small red flags will be planted on the Main Quad to make a statement about the “red flags” that occur within abusive relationships and empower students to intervene. From noon to 1 p.m., passers-by will be greeted with information about bystander intervention, as well as upcoming events for the month.

Separate press releases will be issued for other major events. For a full schedule of the month’s events, including times and locations, please see the attached calendar or visit

Sexual Assault Awareness Month is organized by Parkland College, Rape Advocacy Counseling & Education Services, and the University of Illinois Women’s Resources Center, with support from the following units at Illinois: Advocates for Choice UIUC, Amnesty International, Asian American Cultural Center, Black Greek Council, Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center, Counseling Center, Counseling Center Paraprofessionals, Campus Union for Trans Equality and Support, Diversity & Social Justice Education, Division of Intercollegiate Athletics, Division of Public Safety, First Year Campus Acquaintance Rape Education Program, Fraternity & Sorority Affairs, Illinois Public Affairs, Illinois Student Senate, Inner Voices Social Issues Theatre, Interfraternity Council, La Casa Cultural Latina. LGBT Resource Center, ManTalks, McKinley Health Center, mECHA de UIUC, Native American House, Office of Student Conflict Resolution, Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations, Panhellenic Council, Students Against Sexual Assault, School of Social Work, United Greek Council, University Housing, University YWCA, and Women of Pride. It is paid for in part by the Student Cultural Programming Fee. Other community partners include Courage Connection, Planned Parenthood, and Smile Politely.

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