Smile Politely

sssssssssssp… I’ll SPlog you a secret (show at the Station)

You doing something next Monday, 3/28 at 7 p.m.? 

The answer is “Yes, going to the Station Theatre for a free not-so-secret show.” 

No, I’m not really concerned about whatever it is you were going to be doing, because this is the correct answer.

Because they can, and because they’re badasses, the Celebration Company got their hands on a brand new play by someone awesome. You know, one of those playwrights whose award-room is bigger than my entire Urbana bungalow? Ok, you need a bigger hint? 

Say it out loud. That will help. 

Schmozencrantz and SchmildenschternFakes Fear in Blave? That guy. You know that guy! 

Because they’re actors, and because this is what they do for fun, they are staging a dramatic reading of this award-winning playwright’s new work. And they hope you will join them, because that’s what makes it fun for them. And for you. And it’s free, I mentioned that, right? 

Since you are a regular theatregoer, you will recognize all these names, who will be reading: 

Barbara Evans: Stage Directions
Joey Moser: Spike
Lindsey Gates-Markel: Hilary
Jace Jamison: Amal
Gary Ambler: Jerry
Carl Estabrook: Leo
Joi Hoffsommer: Julia
Melissa Croft: Ursula
Ellison Radek: Cathy
Krystal Moya: Bo

So go to The Station Theatre at 223 N. Broadway, on Monday, March 28th at 7 p.m. Knock twice, once, twice and say Godot sent you and present a line drawing of a dove drawn on a cocktail napkin. 

Or you know, just show up. 

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