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The Engineering Open House is coming up in April

A person dressed as Darth Vader is holding two light sabers, as electric current streams from each.
Sam Logan

Mark your calenders for April 5th and 6th, and don’t miss the Engineering Open House. It’s that time of year when all of those buildings on the north end of the University of Illinois campus open their doors, and the people inside dazzle you with the breadth and depth of research happening in them. It really is a cool thing to experience.

The theme for this year’s event is Aspire to Inspire, and it will feature a RoboBrawl, Startup Showcase, Middle and High School Design Competitions, and the ever popular Tesla Coil Concert, alongside all sorts of demos and exhibits and interactive sorts of things. Check out some of our past coverage to get an idea of what to expect: 2023, 2022, 2017.

Engineering Open House
Bardeen Quad
F April 5th and Sa April 6th

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