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There’s a bunch happening in the journal world at Illinois Press

A stack of journals in various colors sitting on a green table
Kristina Stonehill

Every so often, University of Illinois Press publishes an update in their blog about what’s going on in their world at the moment. During the first quarter of the year (wait, we’re already nearing May, what happened?), they had a wide variety of updates from their journal department. Today being World Book Day, this is close enough, I think, and worth discussing.

It might be something easy to overlook, but I know there are some of you out there that would be interested in learning about the journals that are being published by the press. Ranging from sports to politics to gender studies to the classics, there’s a lot going on there.

Not only that, this update features information about the history of the journal and its physical form, and how it all came to be. Kudos to the U of I Press journals department for this very comprehensive update.

Executive Editor

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