Smile Politely

Three questions with Garden Girl

The image features a group of five young adults. Starting from the left, there's an individual wearing a plain white long-sleeved shirt, with their arms crossed and a slight smile. Next to them is a person in a dark blue jacket with a raised collar, their hands casually in their jacket pockets. Behind and slightly between these two is a figure in a light-colored shirt, partially obscured. In the front right, there's an individual in a red knitted sweater, looking forward with a neutral expression. On the far right is someone wearing a denim jacket with a cream-colored, sheepskin-like collar, hands in the pockets of their jeans. In the background, there's a faded, rustic doorway with flaking paint, suggesting an older, perhaps abandoned building. Some green foliage intrudes into the frame from the left edge, adding a touch of nature to the scene.
Garden Girl on Instagram 004

This week in we caught up with Garden Girl, ahead of their show at The Canopy Club on Thursday night.

Smile Politely: If each band member were an actual garden plant, which one would they be and why? 

Garden Girl: 

Lily Beckert (singer)- a lily 
John Prince (drummer) – a rock “I’m not a plant”
John Pohrte (bass) – redwood tree
Will Paquette (lead guitar) – grass
Will Moore (other guitar) – marijuana

SP: If you could replace one band member with a famous cartoon character, who would it be and why?

Garden Girl: We would switch out Will Moore the other guitarist for Popeye because he’s always smoking something.

SP: If aliens landed during your concert and asked you to play one song that represents humanity, which song would you play?

Garden Girl: If aliens asked us to play one song that represents humanity we would play “Champagne Supernova” [by Oasis] because the song reflects how we feel when we play.

Canopy Club Discover: Garden Girl
Canopy Club
708 S Goodwin Ave
Th Mar 7th, 9 p.m.
$10 to $15

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