Smile Politely

Tonight on SP Radio: Insect Fear 2015

Tonight on Smile Politely Radio we’re going to get creepy and crawly with the organizers of the Insect Fear Film Festival. The Insect Fear Film Festival has been a long-standing tradition of the Department of Entomology showcasing the wonders of the insect and arthropod worlds. This year’s theme is Female Entomologists, and the feature film will be Mansquito, a film about a female entomologist who genetically engineers mosquitoes to be unable to transmit the “Gillan” virus. They will also be showing some of the Growing Up Creepie cartoons, which are about a girl who was abandoned and raised by insects. In its 32nd year, the festival will be held on February 28th in Foellinger Auditorium (U of I Campus). Admission is free, and the doors open at 6 p.m.

Smile Politely Radio airs each Friday at 5:30 p.m. on WEFT 90.1 FM in Champaign and is available as a podcast the following week. You can find our past episodes here.

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