Smile Politely

Trader Joe’s coming to C-U, according to

In what has become the centerpiece debate between townie, transient, and new residents in this bustling community, the elusive and daring Soccer Mom of Savoy finally scored a goal by luring “organic” food retailer Trader Joe’s to the Champaign-Urbana area. reports that a number of metrics aided corporate to make that decision, but that it was Unit 4’s “School of Choice” that was the deciding factor, since Trader Joe’s is also “known for giving consumers the illusion of choices.”

You can read more about it here.

We, at Smile Politely, are completely ecstatic about the idea of another multi-national grocery store chain moving into our community. Because we lack abundant farm land, and because we are without any options for fresh foods that are locally sourced, we are so thankful for the ambitious and powerful “grassroots” efforts of those who run the Traderjoes4CU campaign.

Those countless hours spent getting petition signatures and putting together packets to send to a corporate office somewhere? Wow. Talk about a COMMUNITY effort

Must be nice to have all of that free time on one’s hands. Imagine what people like that could accomplish if they actually applied that notion to the COMMUNITY itself?

Great work you all!

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